Love Of My Life

HorrorThrillerOctober 15, 2024
Love Of My Life
Love Of My Life

'For five days, I am going to do unspeakable, Godless things to you. You are going to scream, and beg, and plead for me to stop. Then at the end of day five, I';m going to kill you. And when I';ve killed you, I';ll let her go. However, if at any point you can take no more, if at any point you want me to stop, all you have to do is say, 'Enough'. And I';ll stop. And then I';ll kill her. So ask yourself now, do you really want to go to your grave knowing she was the last person you ever kissed, touched, held, made love to? Is she the love of your life?' A young man is held captive by a deranged surgeon and faced with the choice which can alter his life and the life of his loved ones forever.

Love Of My Life